These are almost embarrassingly easy. This is convenient as the amistad cultivar is not especially hardy – a few cuttings for insurance purposes are a good idea. I’ve taken a couple of rounds of cuttings this year, this batch was taken in mid-October.

I took a couple of bits of stem and began wielding a scalpel, my weapon of choice. I cut through just below a leaf joints, removing those leaves, then just above the next leaf joints, removing any excess leaves. When finished the cuttings look like this:

Cuttings of salvia amistad

In my case I used the hydropod but they work just as well by plonking them into a pot of compost. I know this as I broke a piece of stem when moving a more mature plant – I just poked it into the same pot and it rooted there quite happily.

A month later I had good roots on all my cuttings.

How to propagate salvia amistad by cuttings

I potted them up in John Innes #3 compost and left them in the heated bench for a month or two.

Increase salvia amistad by cuttings

They have all grown on quite nicely and should make good garden plants this year. I have moved them out of the heated bench and onto in heated staging in the greenhouse.

Cuttings of salvia amistad

Salvia ‘amistad’ is a little bit hardy, it should cope with a few degrees of frost, but to maximise chances it is best planted in well drained soil in a nice warm spot.

I’ll be back soon with more propagation poppycock.