Something like normal service is resumed this week, returning to my garden after two or three weeks of excuses. That said, the dominant colour in the garden is still brown, so nothing much to see. These are the perils of wanting a 3 season garden on a smallish plot, something has to give and for me it’s winter. Back to the excuses again, you won’t hear much from me today as I am out running in a 43 mile race. It’s coldish, rainy and quite muddy in places, just what you want when out for 8 or 9 in shorts. Yes, I do this for fun. While I’m out doing stupid running, you can all do #SixOnSaturday. Six things, in the garden, on a Saturday. Could be anything, you decide. Join in!

Here are my Six.

1 – Geranium mush. I haven’t been out much in the garden this last few months, I need to get in a do a focused afternoon of cutting back. It would be the work of moments to tidy this plant and consign it to the compost heap.

2 – Crocosmia mush, possibly with added gladioli mush. I need to move these crosomia. They grow quite nicely in the spring then the loosestrife behind them goes bananas and obscures them, allowing only the occasional glimpse of a bloom when they do flower.

3 – Lobelia tupa. Another plant that is overdue a severe haircut.

4 – Stachys, Lambs ear mess. It’s not all doom and gloom though, among the rotting mess of old foliage are some wallflowers I forgot I planted. Again, I need to spend time tidying the stachys. Removing the sludge does make quite a difference.

5 – Crocus tips. When I planted my table-top pots with daffs, one of the pots had crocuses in residence, I just plonked them back in with the daffs. A sign of things to come.

6 – Hellebore ‘Pink Lady’. Plenty of new growth at the bottom of this plant. More tidying….

Those are my mostly untidy Six for this week. What are yours? If you’d like to have a go just publish your post and pop a link to it in the comments below. If you also mention my blog in yours that would be lovely. For more details you can read the brief participant guide.

Have a super weekend, stay safe, and good luck with the gardening.

I’ll be back next weekend for another brown #SixOnSaturday!