The theme this week is one of emergence. There isn’t a lot of obvious interest in my garden at this time of year, but it does repay closer inspection, there are things afoot. What’s going on in your garden? Why not show us via Six on Saturday? Six things, in the garden, on a Saturday. Could be anything, you decide. Join in!

Here are my Six for this week.

1 – Rheum Palmatum ‘Hadspen Crimson’. This Chinese Rhubarb dies back to the ground over winter and is just beginning to emerge. The young leaves are somewhat attractive to slugs but I’m hoping they grow big and thick and inedible before Mr Slug is moving about too much. It will get quite large, potentially 5′ across and tall. I haven’t seen it in full splendour as it was on its way out when I bought it last autumn. I’m looking forward to seeing what it gets up to this year.

2 – Geranium ‘Rosanne’. A star performer and she knows it. Rosanne is putting out lush foliage and will soon be trying to take over the gaff. For now I can enjoy the young lime green leaves.

3 – Ranunculus ficaria ‘Brazen Hussy’. Note the seamless segue from Rosanne, she (almost) of the red lights, to Brazen Hussy. This blog isn’t just thrown together you know! I think I bought one of these lesser celandine plants, just a small one, in a plant sale several years ago. It does its thing in the spring, then vanishes for the rest of the year. It is very slowly creeping its way across the border, but not in a barnstormingly unstoppable fashion. I like the colour and sheen of the leaves, I might like the flowers more if they weren’t that particular shade of yellow, but at this time of year I’ll take it.

4 – Tropaeolium tuberosum ‘Ken Aslet’. This perennial nasturtium was a gift from a fellow gardener, just a few spud-like tubers. This cluster seems to have survived the winter without me doing much of anything with them. I’m hoping it isn’t too vigorous, I don’t want it to crowd out the rose it shares the trellis with.

5 – Rhubarb rhubarb. I have survived the last two decades in this house with, at most, a meagre single crown of rhubarb. It has been enough for a sporadic crumble, but I never felt the weight of abundance that other rhubarb growers have. Not to be outdone, last year I bought 5 more crowns. They amounted to nothing last year and I had begun to write them off as a false economy (obviously they were bought in a sale). I should not have worried, 4 of the 5 are bursting forth and we shall soon be throwing spare rhubarb at passers-by.

6 – Fuchsia genii. One of several fuchsia bought last year from a specialist grower. Most were “climbers” or tall plants, but this one is a bush form, notable for its unusually bright foliage. I have a few of these, they stand out in the border very nicely.

Those are my Six, what are yours? If you’d like to join in, just publish your post and pop a link to it in the comments below. If you also mention my blog in yours that would be supercalafragilistic. For more details you can read the brief participant guide.

While you have been reading this I am quite likely to be out on a long long run, 30 miles or 48km. This is likely to keep me either busy or snoozing, so don’t be surprised if I don’t respond with alacrity.

Have a fab weekend, hopefully you will get some gardening done, and don’t forget to check back later on as more links get added during the day.

Stay safe, I shall be back next weekend with another #SixOnSaturday.