There will be no gardening this weekend, for the very good reason that I am mum-sitting. The matriarch had a hip replaced on Monday, back home just 2 days later, so I am staying with her for a few days. I’ve borrowed her garden for this weekend’s Six on Saturday.

1 – Front path. Mum’s house, where I grew up, was built in 1906 and like many on the street has a tiled path.

2 – Penstemon. My penstemon (see last week) isn’t the only one hanging on to a few flowers, Mum has a few in the front garden.

3 – Passion flower. This plant is a beast. It has been cut right to the ground on at least one occasion and just bounces right back. It is now about half way up the wall, but will get to roof level eventually before the cycle starts again. Being December, it is neither in fruit or flower, but is looking well.

4 – Eucalyptus, maybe? I’m not sure. It’s a large small tree and still in leaf as you can see. No koalas were seen munching in the canopy, so that might imply non-eucalyptus, but one can’t be certain.

5 – Cyclamen leaf. This plant is in a pot on the patio, and has the largest leaves I’ve ever seen on a cyclamen.

6 – Dieffenbachia ‘Purify’. What a nice houseplant, who could have bought that, what person of impeccable taste and generosity? Me? Oh yes! Birthday present a few weeks back, I think it looks rather nice in the corner of Mum’s dining room.

That’s your lot for this week. Next Saturday is Christmas Day, so in a departure from a 4 or 5 year streak, I’m going to suggest we skip it and make the next one 1st of January. Merry Christmas!

I’ll be back then in the new year with another #SixOnSaturday.